Easter/2nd Game Devlog

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Hey folks!

Exactly 14 days ago I posted my first Devlog. Because of school , I have not been able to post anything.

Thank God , Easter holidays are here now . I have been making progress on the game  steadily though ,changing mechanics ,adding UI

making  arts in GIMP, creating skills and  weapons.

I have made some significant improvement in the UI and in the terrain. But this is not the ending.

I will continue polish the Ui and add new systems, such as skill / equipment selection system to the game,

to further enhance gameplay.

Beneath is a comparism between now and then.

So that u get a good  idea of what my skill/equipment system will look like ,here is a photo of it (still in progress):

Just like Brotato or any other game u know using such sort of system,  the skills / equipment /weapons are rolled out randomly. You can also reroll set of options for one dice per set of options. I still want to add a mechanic with which the player is able to discard a skill in exchange for  2 or 3 Dices. 

  New Ideas for my ideas are of course welcomed a lot, only if they make a good sense in the game .Lately I have also been working on a

Video Devlog that I will release on youtube soon.

Thanks for your attention , and Cya next time around!!

KOE Gamefactory

Link to my game: Blackbolt : Outpace.

Link to my YT channnel:www.youtube.com/@KOELOVESGAMES

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